We are so proud, excited and ecstatically happy to anounce the launch of our workbook for those who support others with special needs.
Currently it is only available in paperback however keep your eyes peeled for ebook at a later date!
You’re probably wondering what you can find inside so here is the amazing table of contents.
We placed all of our experience, expertise, resources and best advice into a simple way to follow layout.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us!
Join our facebook community help group as well through the link below.
We look forward to connecting, guiding and supporting everyone!
Love Julia & Jessica
#gad #bpd #learningdelays #specialneeds #odd #supportdisabilities #ldd #expressivedelays #dmdd #autismawareness #specialneedssupport #workbookfordisabilities #mdd #adultswithdisabilities #childrenwithdisabilities #ptsd #autism #bp #adhd #spectrums #lifelonglearner #receptivedelays #globaldelays #sad #disabilityawareness #parentssupport #supportworkers